
正规澳门赌场网络北方咨询委员会是一个多学科的地方团体, 区域, and North Atlantic/Arctic leaders that provides expert advice on the most important local to global issues, 问题, 挑战, 以及塑造新北大学战略方向的机遇. The council helps identify emerging 区域 挑战 and opportunities that can benefit from 一个北's 教育 and research programs, 大学的基础设施, 合作文化.

一个北's Advisors serve as a trusted source of experienced advice to the 一个北 leadership: identify emerging local to global 挑战 and opportunities in 缅因州 and the North Atlantic/Arctic that can benefit from UNE’s academic and research programs and administrative capabilities; 导致 the development and 成长th of 一个北 by fostering leadership, 团队建设和协助建立伙伴关系, especially for the next generation of leaders in the North Atlantic/Arctic; identify, 导致, and/or be involved in fundraising for new and ongoing collaborations with partners in 缅因州 and the North Atlantic/Arctic.


科尔比有限公司. 工程
科尔比有限公司. 工程
Dana Eidsness
联合国东北咨询委员会成员Adrian P. Kendall先生.
Adrian P. Kendall先生.
Terza Tippen Poe
讲师和讲师,可持续发展和环境管理计划和美国.S. 领导极地研究和政策倡议



总统, 科尔比有限公司. 工程

Calen is a structural engineer with 30+ years of experience in the design and industrial fields. 他的项目管理经验包括在美国管理多个项目.S. and Europe and he has served as the Project Principal for design projects with construction values up to $100 million. Calen拥有缅因大学土木工程学士和硕士学位. 他一直是设计的支持成员, 教育, 以及包括万宝路学院创意解决方案中心在内的非营利组织, 缅因大学学术项目审查和整合过程, 美国土木工程师协会, 以及缅因州的小屋和小径系统. 作为一个狂热的攀岩者, 冰上攀岩, 登山者, 和野外滑雪者, 卡伦喜欢访问北极来追求这些兴趣.


首席执行官, 科尔比有限公司. 工程

Sarah Emily brings 15 years of experience in the architecture and engineering consulting design industry. 2008年,莎拉·艾米丽和卡伦·科尔比创立了科尔比公司. 成为一站式的机械商店, 管道, 消防, 电, 结构与土木工程, 和建筑. 自那以后,该公司已发展到42名员工. was named as one of the Best Places to work in 缅因州, ranking #8 in the Small 业务 category. Sarah Emily支持Colby公司.该公司的企业志愿者计划使儿童奇迹网络受益, 穿越缅因州, 红十字会, 项目领导, 美国土木工程师学会学生分会, “问工程师”日, 以及缅因州癌症社区中心. 作为一个狂热的攀岩者, 冰上攀岩, 登山者, 和野外滑雪者, 莎拉·艾米丽喜欢去北极追求这些兴趣.

Dana Eidsness 

导演, 缅因州北大西洋发展办公室

Dana致力于发展贸易, 投资, and collaboration opportunities for 缅因州 businesses and academic partners in North Atlantic markets, 包括北欧, 大西洋加拿大, 和北欧人. 另外, 她与北极理事会有联系, 北极经济理事会, 北大西洋集群联盟, 以及其他北极和北大西洋相关组织, to represent 缅因州’s interests and to ensure that the state is included in important discussions regarding North Atlantic resources and sustainable development. 在以前的职位上, Dana曾担任佛蒙特州商会国际业务总监, 民主论坛执行主任 & Trade, Vermont 导演 of International Trade, and 导演 of the Vermont 全球 Trade Partnership. She worked as a 区域 director for the 缅因州 International Trade Center and as an International Project Manager for the 缅因州 Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), 美国的一个项目.S. 商务部和国家标准与技术研究院.



本是律师,也是Archipelago law律师事务所的创始合伙人. 本和他的合伙人专注于缅因州的蓝色经济. Ben’s firm works with individuals and companies helping to reshape the 缅因州 economy by developing new and innovative products and services utilizing 缅因州’s clean, 丰富的, 以及可再生的自然资源,包括丰富的海洋和海岸线. 作为实践的一部分, Ben works with clients from as far away as Arctic Norway and helps those clients access markets here in North America. Ben’s work in the Arctic and High North Atlantic lead to his 2020 appointment to serve as an Honorary Consular Officer for the Nation of Iceland. 在他做律师之前, 本的工作是帮助公司访问, 成长, 并在美国和加拿大拓展市场. 本在旧金山湾区长大,是一名狂热的水手和造船者.

Adrian P. Kendall先生.


Adrian P. Kendall先生., 是波特兰诺曼·汉森·德特罗的律师, 缅因州, 为广泛的商业客户提供战略和战术法律咨询. Adrian sits on the Board of the 缅因州 International Trade Center and was appointed by the Governor o 缅因州 to sit on the Board of Trustees of the 缅因州 Rural Development Authority.  Adrian also serves as Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany to 缅因州 and New Hampshire.



Jon serves as the chief executive of a diversified Port handling import and export of container, 散装, 军事, 特殊工程货物. The Port also serves as a partner with the University of Southern Mississippi’s Marine 研究 Center and the soon-to-be-completed Center for Ocean Enterprise focused on developing technology related to the blue economy.

在担任现职之前, Jon served as Chair of the 缅因州 Port Authority where he helped develop Northern New England’s only container terminal and secured tens of millions of dollars in funding for port and rail infrastructure. He also led efforts on a public-private partnership to construct 缅因州’s only publicly available climate-controlled storage, 支持该州的食品和饮料行业. 

除了乔恩的港口经验, 他是缅因州运输部的副局长, 曾在缅因州州长办公室担任高级政策顾问, 并在美国监狱服刑7年.S. 他最近担任的是美国国会的法律顾问.S. 参议院国土安全委员会. 乔恩还曾在美国海军陆战队服役.S. 国务院省级重建小组的一名外勤官员.S. 在伊拉克巴古拜市作战的陆军步兵营.


Lecturer and Instructor, 可持续性 and Environmental Management Program; U.S. 哈佛大学极地研究和政策倡议负责人

泰尔莎·蒂平·坡,美国.S. 北极捕猎, is a lecturer and instructor at 哈佛大学 in the sustainability and environmental management program and U.S. 领导极地研究和政策倡议. 她咨询, 写, 并谈到了包括北极和海洋政策在内的可持续发展问题, 国际环境治理, 资源开发, 和土著人民.  

作为Poe与一家全球能源公司投资组合的一部分, she negotiated agreements with communities and worked with international organizations including the World Bank, 因纽特人极地理事会, 世界自然基金会, 世界各地的第一民族, 生活的地球, 和大自然保护协会. Poe还是TRIO 全球 Solutions | ICS的首席顾问, 一家专注于非技术风险管理的咨询公司, 政策分析, 和建议, 并取得社会许可经营.

爱伦·坡拥有哈佛大学可持续发展与环境管理硕士学位, 新闻学学士, 以及公共政策和伦理学的研究生课程. 


总统, SustainaMetrix

Glenn在生态系统方法和适应性管理方面拥有超过25年的经验, 主要研究沿海/海洋/流域问题. 2001年,他被美国环境保护协会授予“环境英雄”称号.S. 副总统阿尔·戈尔. At SustainaMetrix he leads an interdisciplinary team in ongoing consultancies in ecosystem science and research, 政策, 教育, 经济学, 以及多媒体通信. Recent work includes developmental evaluation of the Ocean Carbon Biogeochemistry program located at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, 塔夫茨大学塔夫茨环境研究所, 缅因大学水产养殖研究所的外部审查. 格伦开创了评估大学博士学位发展和实施的方法.D. programs designed to promote interdisciplinary research funded by the National 科学 Foundation Integrative Graduate Education and 研究 Traineeship (IGERT) programs. In 2015, 他正在领导几个项目,包括与爱尔兰共和国在海洋政策方面的合作, 可再生能源, 可持续水产养殖.


总裁兼首席执行官 缅因船用复合材料

斯蒂芬·冯·沃格特目前担任缅因船用复合材料的总裁兼首席执行官, 一家位于波特兰的海洋工程公司. 缅因船用复合材料 has an extensive portfolio of marine hydrokinetic projects (MHK) and experience marine projects related to floating and mooring systems in hostile marine environments. He is a founding member of 缅因州 Built Boats and the 缅因州 Ocean and Wind Industry Initiative (MOWII). He serves on the 缅因州 Economic Growth Council and the 缅因州 Innovation Economy Advisory Board. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English and Philosophy from the University of Illinois and advanced degrees in 信息rmation 科学 from the University of Illinois and in Finance from 哈佛大学.